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Visual Basic Form  |  1996-07-05  |  7KB  |  241 lines

  1. VERSION 4.00
  2. Begin VB.Form frm3DDemo 
  3.    BorderStyle     =   0  'None
  4.    Caption         =   "VBMax 3D Effects Demo"
  5.    ClientHeight    =   3765
  6.    ClientLeft      =   60
  7.    ClientTop       =   45
  8.    ClientWidth     =   5055
  9.    Height          =   4170
  10.    Icon            =   "3DDemo.frx":0000
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  12.    LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
  13.    LockControls    =   -1  'True
  14.    MaxButton       =   0   'False
  15.    MinButton       =   0   'False
  16.    ScaleHeight     =   3765
  17.    ScaleWidth      =   5055
  18.    Top             =   -300
  19.    Width           =   5175
  20.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdContainers 
  21.       Caption         =   "Co&ntainers"
  22.       Height          =   360
  23.       Left            =   3600
  24.       TabIndex        =   9
  25.       Top             =   1200
  26.       Width           =   900
  27.    End
  28.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdPercent 
  29.       Caption         =   "% &Meter"
  30.       Height          =   360
  31.       Left            =   2580
  32.       TabIndex        =   8
  33.       Top             =   2160
  34.       Width           =   900
  35.    End
  36.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdStatusBar 
  37.       Caption         =   "Stat&us Bar"
  38.       Height          =   360
  39.       Left            =   1560
  40.       TabIndex        =   5
  41.       Top             =   2160
  42.       Width           =   900
  43.    End
  44.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdPanels 
  45.       Caption         =   "&Panels"
  46.       Height          =   360
  47.       Left            =   540
  48.       TabIndex        =   2
  49.       Top             =   2160
  50.       Width           =   900
  51.    End
  52.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdShadows 
  53.       Caption         =   "&Shadows"
  54.       Height          =   360
  55.       Left            =   2580
  56.       TabIndex        =   7
  57.       Top             =   1680
  58.       Width           =   900
  59.    End
  60.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdAbout 
  61.       Caption         =   "&About"
  62.       Height          =   360
  63.       Left            =   3600
  64.       TabIndex        =   10
  65.       Top             =   1680
  66.       Width           =   900
  67.    End
  68.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdFrames 
  69.       Caption         =   "&Frames"
  70.       Height          =   360
  71.       Left            =   1560
  72.       TabIndex        =   3
  73.       Top             =   1200
  74.       Width           =   900
  75.    End
  76.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdText 
  77.       Caption         =   "&Text"
  78.       Height          =   360
  79.       Left            =   540
  80.       TabIndex        =   0
  81.       Top             =   1200
  82.       Width           =   900
  83.    End
  84.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdControls 
  85.       Caption         =   "&Controls"
  86.       Height          =   360
  87.       Left            =   1560
  88.       TabIndex        =   4
  89.       Top             =   1680
  90.       Width           =   900
  91.    End
  92.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdLines 
  93.       Caption         =   "&Lines"
  94.       Height          =   360
  95.       Left            =   540
  96.       TabIndex        =   1
  97.       Top             =   1680
  98.       Width           =   900
  99.    End
  100.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit 
  101.       Caption         =   "E&xit"
  102.       Height          =   360
  103.       Left            =   3600
  104.       TabIndex        =   11
  105.       Top             =   2160
  106.       Width           =   900
  107.    End
  108.    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdFoms 
  109.       Caption         =   "F&orms"
  110.       Height          =   360
  111.       Left            =   2580
  112.       TabIndex        =   6
  113.       Top             =   1200
  114.       Width           =   900
  115.    End
  116.    Begin VB.Shape Shape1 
  117.       Height          =   1695
  118.       Left            =   345
  119.       Top             =   1020
  120.       Visible         =   0   'False
  121.       Width           =   4350
  122.    End
  123.    Begin VB.Label lblVBMax 
  124.       AutoSize        =   -1  'True
  125.       BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  126.       Caption         =   "Visual Basic to the Max"
  127.       BeginProperty Font 
  128.          name            =   "Times New Roman"
  129.          charset         =   0
  130.          weight          =   700
  131.          size            =   20.25
  132.          underline       =   0   'False
  133.          italic          =   -1  'True
  134.          strikethrough   =   0   'False
  135.       EndProperty
  136.       Height          =   465
  137.       Left            =   420
  138.       TabIndex        =   13
  139.       Top             =   3000
  140.       Width           =   4095
  141.    End
  142.    Begin VB.Label lblTitle 
  143.       AutoSize        =   -1  'True
  144.       Caption         =   "VBMax 3D Effects Demo"
  145.       BeginProperty Font 
  146.          name            =   "Times New Roman"
  147.          charset         =   0
  148.          weight          =   700
  149.          size            =   20.25
  150.          underline       =   0   'False
  151.          italic          =   0   'False
  152.          strikethrough   =   0   'False
  153.       EndProperty
  154.       ForeColor       =   &H00800000&
  155.       Height          =   465
  156.       Left            =   300
  157.       TabIndex        =   12
  158.       Top             =   240
  159.       Width           =   4380
  160.    End
  161. Attribute VB_Name = "frm3DDemo"
  162. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  163. Attribute VB_Exposed = False
  164. Option Explicit
  165. Dim mo3D As New C3D
  166. Private Sub cmdContainers_Click()
  167.     frm3DContainers.Show
  168. End Sub
  169. Private Sub Form_Load()
  170.     With mo3D
  171.         .Style = gnRAISED
  172.             .Caption lblTitle, gnUSE_CONTROL_FONT
  173.             .Offset = 3
  174.             .DropShadow cmdText
  175.             .DropShadow cmdLines
  176.             .DropShadow cmdPanels
  177.             .DropShadow cmdFrames
  178.             .DropShadow cmdControls
  179.             .DropShadow cmdFoms
  180.             .DropShadow cmdStatusBar
  181.             .DropShadow cmdShadows
  182.             .DropShadow cmdPercent
  183.             .DropShadow cmdContainers
  184.             .DropShadow cmdAbout
  185.             .DropShadow cmdExit
  187.         .Style = gnEMBOSSED_RAISED
  188.             .Caption lblVBMax, gnUSE_CONTROL_FONT
  190.         .Style = gnRECESSED
  191.             .Depth = 2
  192.             .Width = 10
  193.             .Border Shape1
  194.             .FormBorder Me
  195.    End With
  196. End Sub
  197. Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
  198.     Set mo3D = Nothing
  199.     Set frm3DDemo = Nothing
  200.     End
  201. End Sub
  202. Private Sub cmdAbout_Click()
  203.     frmAbout.Show
  204. End Sub
  205. Private Sub cmdControls_Click()
  206.     frm3DControls.Show
  207. End Sub
  208. Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
  209.     Unload Me
  210. End Sub
  211. Private Sub cmdFoms_Click()
  212.     frm3DFXForms.Show
  213. End Sub
  214. Private Sub cmdLines_Click()
  215.     frm3DLines.Show
  216. End Sub
  217. Private Sub cmdText_Click()
  218.     frmBusy.Show
  219.     frmBusy.Refresh
  220.     frm3DText.Show
  221.     Unload frmBusy
  222. End Sub
  223. Private Sub cmdFrames_Click()
  224.     frmBusy.Show
  225.     frmBusy.Refresh
  226.     frm3DFrames.Show
  227.     Unload frmBusy
  228. End Sub
  229. Private Sub cmdShadows_Click()
  230.     frm3DShadows.Show
  231. End Sub
  232. Private Sub cmdPanels_Click()
  233.     frm3DPanels.Show
  234. End Sub
  235. Private Sub cmdStatusBar_Click()
  236.     frm3DStatusBar.Show
  237. End Sub
  238. Private Sub cmdPercent_Click()
  239.     frm3DPercentMeter.Show
  240. End Sub